Thursday, November 21, 2013

Prayer in the age of the Church

556. What is the prayer of praise? 

             Praise is that form of prayer which recognizes most immediately that God is God. It is a completely disinterested prayer: it sings God’s praise for his own sake and gives him glory simply because he is.

Prayer in the age of the Church

556. What is the prayer of praise? 

        Praise is that form of prayer which recognizes most immediately that God is God. It is a completely disinterested prayer: it sings God’s praise for his own sake and gives him glory simply because he is.

Prayer in the age of the Church

555. When is thanksgiving given to God?     

         The Church gives thanks to God unceasingly, above all in celebrating the Eucharist in which Christ allows her to participate in his own thanksgiving to the Father. For the Christian every event becomes a reason for giving thanks.

Prayer in the age of the Church

554. In what does the prayer of intercession consist? 

          Intercession consists in asking on behalf of another. It conforms us and unites us to the prayer of Jesus who intercedes with the Father for all, especially sinners. Intercession must extend even to one’s enemies.

Prayer in the age of the Church

553. What are the different forms of the prayer of petition?  

        It can be a petition for pardon or also a humble and trusting petition for all our needs either spiritual or material. The first thing to ask for, however, is the coming of the Kingdom.

Prayer in the age of the Church

552. How can adoration be defined?   

         Adoration is the humble acknowledgement by human beings that they are creatures of the thrice-holy Creator.

Prayer in the age of the Church

551. What is “blessing”?   

            The prayer of blessing is man’s response to God’s gifts: we bless the Almighty who first blesses us and fills us with his gifts.

Prayer in the age of the Church

550. What are the essential forms of Christian prayer?    

      They are blessing and adoration, the prayer of petition and intercession, thanksgiving and praise. The Eucharist contains and expresses all the forms of prayer.

Prayer in the age of the Church

549. How does the Holy Spirit intervene in the Church’s prayer?       

         The Holy Spirit, the interior Master of Christian prayer, forms the Church in the life of prayer and allows her to enter ever more deeply into contemplation of and union with the unfathomable mystery of Christ. The forms of prayer expressed in the apostolic and canonical writings remain normative for Christian prayer.

Prayer in the age of the Church

548. How did the first Christian community in Jerusalem pray?       

          At the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles it is written that in the first community of Jerusalem, educated in the life of prayer by the Holy Spirit, the faithful “devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread, and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42).

Prayer is fully revealed and realized in Jesus

547. Is there a prayer of Mary in the Gospel?       

     Along with the prayer of Mary at Cana in Galilee, the Gospel gives us the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) which is the song both of the Mother of God and of the Church, the joyous thanksgiving that rises from the hearts of the poor because their hope is met by the fulfillment of the divine promises.


Mary's Magnificat prayer

Prayer is fully revealed and realized in Jesus

546. How did the Virgin Mary pray?

           Mary’s prayer was characterized by faith and by the generous offering of her whole being to God. The Mother of Jesus is also the new Eve, the “Mother of all the living”. She prays to Jesus for the needs of all people.


Virgin Mary praying

Prayer is fully revealed and realized in Jesus

545. Why is our prayer efficacious?

  Our prayer is efficacious because it is united in faith with the prayer of Jesus. In him Christian prayer becomes a communion of love with the Father. In this way we can present our petitions to God and be heard: “Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full” (John 16:24).
A family that prays with God

Prayer is fully revealed and realized in Jesus

544. How does Jesus teach us to pray? 

        Jesus teaches us to pray not only with the Our Father but also when he prays. In this way he teaches us, in addition to the content, the dispositions necessary for every true prayer: purity of heart that seeks the Kingdom and forgives one’s enemies, bold and filial faith that goes beyond what we feel and understand, and watchfulness that protects the disciple from temptation.
Jesus and His Kingdom

Prayer is fully revealed and realized in Jesus

543. How did Jesus pray during his passion? 

         The prayer of Jesus during his agony in the garden of Gethsemane and his last words on the cross reveal the depth of his filial prayer. Jesus brings to completion the loving plan of the Father and takes upon himself all the anguish of humanity and all the petitions and intercessions of the history of salvation. He presents them to the Father who accepts them and answers them beyond all hope by raising his Son from the dead.

Jesus praying in garden of Gethsemane

Prayer is fully revealed and realized in Jesus

542. When did Jesus pray? 

           The Gospel often shows Jesus at prayer. We see him draw apart to pray in solitude, even at night. He prays before the decisive moments of his mission or that of his apostles. In fact, all his life is a prayer because he is in a constant communion of love with the Father.

Jesus praying

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Prayer is fully revealed and realized in Jesus

541. From whom did Jesus learn how to pray?

        Jesus, with his human heart, learned how to pray from his mother and from the Jewish tradition. But his prayer sprang from a more secret source because he is the eternal Son of God who in his holy humanity offers his perfect filial prayer to his Father.

Jesus with her Mother Mary.

The Revelation of Prayer in the Old Testament

540.What is the importance of the Psalms in prayer?

          The Psalms are the summit of prayer in the Old Testament: the Word of God become the prayer of man. Inseparably both personal and communal, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, this prayer sings of God's marvelous deeds in creation and in the history of salvation. Christ prayed the Psalms and brought them to fulfillment. Thus they remain an essential and permanent element of the prayer of the Church suited to people of every condition and time. 

The book of Psalms.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Revelation of Prayer in the Old Testament

539. What is the role of prayer in the mission of the prophets?

         The prophets drew from prayer the light and strength to exhort the people to faith and to conversion of heart. They entered into great intimacy with God and interceded for their brothers and sisters to whom they proclaimed what they had seen and heard from the lord. Elijah was the father of the prophets, of those who sought the face of God. On Mount Carmel he achieved the return of the people to the faith, thanks to the intervention of God to whom he prayed: "Answer me, O Lord, answer me!" (1 Kings 18:37).

Elijah, the prophet of God.

The Revelation of Prayer in the Old Testament

538. In the Old Testament, what relationship do the King and the temple have to prayer?

            The prayer of the people of God developed in the shadow of the dwelling place of God -- the Ark of the Covenant, then the Temple -- under the guidance of their shepherds. Among them there was David, the King "after God's own heart," the shepherd who prayed for his people. His prayer was a model for the prayer of the people because it involved clinging to the divine promise and a trust filled with love for the One who is the only King and Lord.

David as a good shepherd.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Revelation of Prayer in the Old Testament

537. How did Moses pray?

        The prayer of Moses was typical of contemplative prayer. God, who called to Moses from the burning bush, lingered in conversation with him often and at length, "face to face, like a man with his friend" (Exodus 33:11). In this intimacy with God, Moses attained the strength to intercede tenaciously for his people: his prayer thus prefigured the intercession of the one mediator, Christ Jesus.

Moses and the burning bush.

The Revelation of Prayer in the Old Testament

536. How is Abraham a model of prayer?

          Abraham is a model of prayer because he walked in the presence of God, heard and obeyed him. His prayer was a battle of faith because he continued to believe in the fidelity of God even in times of trial. Besides, after having received in his own tent the visit of the Lord who confided his plan to him, Abraham dared to intercede for sinners with bold confidence.

Abraham begs God to spare Sodom.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Revelation of Prayer

535. Why is there a universal call to prayer?

            Because through creation God first calls every being from nothingness. Even after the Fall man continues to be capable of recognizing his Creator and retains a desire for the One who has called him into existence. All religions,and the whole history of salvation in particular, bear witness to this human desire for God. It is God first, however, who ceaselessly draws every person to the mysterious encounter known as prayer. 

A child praying.